Social media is the ultimate canary in the coal mine. – Jay Baer
- Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology. – Brain Solis Principal of FutureWorks
- The difference between PR and social media is that PR is about positioning, and social media is about becoming, being and improving. – Chris Brogan, author of Trust Agents
- “Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.” – Seth Godin
- Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan. – Unknown
- Social Media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is surprise it’s not better. – Unknown
- I realize everyone is telling you social media is a unicorn, but maybe it’s just a horse? – Jay Baer
- As a general principle, the more users share about themselves, the more others in the community will learn about them and identify with them. – Matt Rhodes, quoted in Social Media Today
- Social Networking that matters is helping people archive their goals. Doing it reliably and repeatability so that over time people have an interest in helping you achieve your goals. – Seth Godin
- Think like a publisher, not a marketer. – David Meerman Scott
- Quit counting fans, followers and blog subscribers like bottle caps. Think, instead, about what you’re hoping to achieve with and through the community that actually cares about what you’re doing. – Amber Naslund, quoted in Social Media Today
- Social networks aren’t about Web sites. They’re about experiences. – Mike DiLorenzo, NHL social media marketing director
- In the end, the winner is content. Good content, sharable content, and consumer-driven content will allow us all to have a broader spectrum of information and, for the marketer, an easier way to connect with their base. – Aaron Kahlow, chairman and founder of the Online Marketing Summit
- If content is king, then conversion is queen. – John Munsell, CEO of Bizzuka
- Ask yourself this question CONSTANTLY: where can I add the most value to what matters most to me and the people who care about me? – Chris Brogan, author of Trust Agents
- Attention spans will only decrease as technology breeds laziness and the expectation of rapid solution delivery. – James Gurd, e-commerce consultant
- Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it. – Erin Bury, Sprouter community manager
- Twitter is a great place to tell the world what you’re thinking before you’ve had a chance to think about it. – Chris Pirillo
- Twitter is like a tragically hip New York night club. It is a cool, easy way for companies to engage customers in social media. But the experience can be loud and crowded. – Bob Warfield, CEO of Helpstream
- LinkedIn is for people you know. Facebook is for people you used to know. Twitter is for people you want to know. – Unknown
Pursuing Truth, Goodness, and Beauty